Published on 16 Jan 2023

Hybrid powers the future of work

 For more than 30 years, I thought of myself as part of the real-estate industry. However, I’ve come to realise that my role has at least as much to do with HR as it does with commercial property. That’s because, at a basic level, it is people-centric and empowers people to work more effectively, efficiently and happily. During the pandemic, our ability to free people from the dreaded commute became more important than ever.

 As a result, ‘hybrid-working’ is now the preferred solution for millions, as they divide their working hours between their company headquarters, a local flexible workspace, and their home – boosting corporate productivity while also creating a more sustainable way of working for both people and the planet.

 Looking at trends for 2023, it’s clear that yet more change is on the way, as our working lives are impacted by innovations and new thinking in areas such as sustainability, technology, recruitment and productivity. 

Mark Dixon Founder and CEO, IWG plc .

Created by IWG 

Further Info : - White Paper Trends Forecast
